Rogue Heroes

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Site Admin
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Rogue Heroes

Post by admin »

This is currently designed for single player. I am in the process of updating it to work with multiplayer.

cheats included:
Start hit (must take damage before using)
unlock items (activate from top to bottom to make permanent)
lantern : off, on
boomerang : off, on
bombs : off, on
bow : off, on
beastiary : off, on
grapplig hook : off, on
shovel : off, on
wand : off, on
fishing rod : off, on
watering can : off, on
seed bag : off, on
bottle : off, on
kezar fist : off, on
frog flute : off, on
hammer : off, on
temporal scope : off, on
warp medallion : off, on
equipment stat address
player base address
player index
current class : hero, thief, knight, mage, ranger, witch, pirate, reaper, bomber
current health
base max health
max health
health upgrade count
health from pickup increase percent
current magic
max magic
magic gained on kill
magic from pick up increase percent
current stamina
max stamina
stamina recharge timer
stamina recharge multiplier
stamina sword cost multiplier
equipped item : lantern, boomerang, bombs, bow, beastiary, grappling hook, shovel, wand, fishing pole, watering can, carrot seeds, bottle, kezar fist, frog flute, hammer, temporal scope, warp medallion
bottle count
invetory address
item stats
arrow capacity
arrow crit chance (percentage)
arrow crit damage multiplier
arrow damage
bomb blast radius
bomb capacity
bomb damage
book damage multiplier
boomerang magic cost
boomerang stun duration (1000=1second)
boomerange movement speed
grapple distance
grapple speed
grappling hook damage
lamp brightness
sword damage
sword attack speed
sword crit chance (percentage)
sword crit damage multiplier
wand crit chance (percentage)
wand crit damage multiplier
wand damage
wand projectile speed
the best kind of cheats...
bubble shield activation
bubble shield : off, on
I am the shadow!
i am death! : off, on
shield : off, on
unlock dungeon floor warps
terakar keep floor 2 : closed, open
terakar keep floor 3 : off, on
welestar chamber floor 2 : off, on
welestar chamber floor 3 : off, on
fyrotek castle floor 2 : off, on
fyrotek castle floor 3 : off, on
kryomar temple floor 2 : off, on
kryomar temple floor 3 : off, on
Rogue Heroes Release.CT
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