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Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam)

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 3:47 am
by admin
Hi all,

a simple game, but better than expected :)

Edit Gold
Edit Lifes
Credits to @Daffy for having the patience to explain me how he defeated victor vran. Which is in fact quite simple after understanding it...

Edit: now there are three scripts in the table which are doing the same thing. All three version capture the addresses of gold and lives and all three versions contain an optional code to set the values constantly.
an assembler version
a $luacode-version, code by Daffy
a $ccode-version, code by DarkByte himself

So what we have here is a kind of a rosetta stone - three languages doing the same thing.
And I've learned that I have some talent of letting other guys do the hard work :mrgreen:

have fun,