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Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach Cheat Table

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 5:55 am
by admin

Hey there, Daffy here! This is my cheat table for Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach


Player Information
Allows you to edit:
Player Name

Player Movement
Allows you to edit:
Player Coordinates
Player Scale
Player Pitch, Yaw, Roll
Player Velocity
Player Gravity
Player Movement mode
Player Fly Speed
Player Max Walk Speed & Player Max Walk
Player Run Speed
Player Acceleration
Player Jump Height
Player Jump Max Count
Player Jump Max Hold Time
Player Stamina
Player Stamina Refill Rate
Player Stamina Deplete Rate
Player Stamina Refill Wait Time
Player Air Control

FNAF Inventory System
Allows you to edit:
Player Flashlight Battery
Player Flashlight Intensity
Player Laser Gun Ammo
Laser Gun Recharge Time
Player FazCam Ammo
FazCam Recharge Time
Freddy Power Level
Player Security Level
Player Used Party Pass Count
Player Party Pass Count
Tapes Listened To

Freddy Movement
Allows you to edit:
Freddy Coordinates
Freddy Scale

Unlimited Flashlight Power
Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Freddy Power
Unlimited Lazer Gun Ammo
Unlimited FazCam Usage
Security Level +1
Party Pass Count +1
Exploration Mode:
This basically just allows you to go wherever you want on the map ( In Bounds ).
F2 - EnableNoclip
Space - Up
Control - Down
EnableRoxyEyes [New]
DisableAITracking (Stealth)
This option is still a little imperfect, Freddy Will not be able to come to you in this mode ( From what I've tested ). Otherwise its working as intended.
Save Location
Load Location
Teleport To Level 3
Teleport To Level 2
Teleport To Main Stage
Teleport To Level 1
Teleport To Groundfloor
Teleport To Daycare
Teleport To Basement 1
Teleport To Basement 2
Teleport To Parts and Service
Update Log for those who care :)