Outriders New Horizon Multiplayer Table

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Outriders New Horizon Multiplayer Table

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Please use CE 7.4 to run this table

I fixed the cheat table made by Idlehands. All credit goes to him as the original author of the script.
UE4 Dumper (Made by Cake-san) to allow the use of the Get ______ IDs scripts.
EAC Bypass (Made by SunBeam)

So I think that's everyone i need to credit for the trainer.

This table has gotten to massive to list all the cheats in the table so please check it out if interested
Table is setup for all players and included an Affects Everyone section, My Player, P2 and P3 sections

-------------------------------------------------------HOW TO---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

First Off The Password For The Rar Is: Fearless

For those that can't get Yellowsub's bypass working this one is fairly simple as well just another option for y'all. Instructions: add .bak to the end of each of the 3 original dll files in the easy anti cheat folder of the game itself, then copy and paste these 3 (by pass) one by one into the exact folder so when you are done you shall have 3 original dlls that you put .bak at the end of and then these 3 copied and pasted into the same folder ( DO NOT "MOVE" THEM INTO FOLDER COPY AND PASTE THEM ONLY) so you will have 6 dlls now in the easy anti cheat folder if you done this correctly can't get much more descriptive then that enjoy happy cheating y'all.

Download the demo version of Outriders through steam
The demo version wont load your broken character and will be locked out on loading screen
Lucky for us you can still delete your locked characters.
Delete the character your screwed up (Yes you will have to delete the character)
Delete the demo version of the game
Reload Outriders and your game should be fixed
15 Attribute How To Guide.


Be sure to follow the instructions exactly as i have them posted here or it will not work

OK to start off let go to the piece of armor you want to add attributes to
To make it easy to follow this guide I will start by changing Attributes 1-3

Please note.. You do not need to change the Attribute Name in any steps. They will update after relog. You can change if you want, It wont hurt anything, but its more steps for you. The only sections we will be changing are the ID directly under the attribute name.. and the Number of Attributes found above the name

Under Attribute 1 we change ID to Anomaly Power
Under Attribute 2 we change ID to Status Power
Under Attribute 3 we change ID to Cooldown Reduction

The 3 steps above can be skipped if you don't want to do this.. but i find it easier to follow the list of 15 attributes if done in order. If not just make sure you don't put the same ID in twice.

OK now we move to Attribute 4
In ID it should say extra armor
Change ID to Armor Piercing
Now go up in the script and change Number of Attributes to 4

VERY IMPORTANT!!! Go to your game and unequip and equip the piece of armor you are editing.
You will see you have an 4th attributed called Extra Armor. Don't worry.. After Relog the names will update. It says this because we didn't update the name. This will not hurt anything. Ok, from here on out I will not be explaining everything.. Just follow along.

Now your armor or weapon should be equipped and we go to attribute 5. Since we unequipped and equipped the item we should now see Extra Armor In attribute 5 Section:
Change ID to Resistance Piercing
Change Number of Attributes to 5
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 6 Section:
Change ID to Bonus Firepower
Change Number of Attributes to 6
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 7 Section:
Change ID to Crit Damage
Change Number of Attributes to 7
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 8 Section:
Change ID to Close Range Damage
Change Number of Attributes to 8
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 9 Section:
Change ID to Long Range Damage
Change Number of Attributes to 9
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 10 Section:
Change ID to Weapon Life Leech
Change Number of Attributes to 10
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 11 Section:
Change ID to Skill Life Leech
Change Number of Attributes to 11
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 12 Section:
Change ID to Max Health
Change Number of Attributes to 12
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 13 Section:
Change ID to Max Health%
Change Number of Attributes to 13
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 14 Section:
Change ID to Healing Received
Change Number of Attributes to 14
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

In attribute 15 Section:
Change ID to Multicast Bonus
Change Number of Attributes to 15
Unequip and Equip item you are editing

Now you should have 3 attributes with names and 12 attributes that all say extra armor.
Go back into your inventory and delete an item! Be sure to so this.. It can be any item, but we need to do this to save the one your working on.
Now return to lobby. THIS WILL CRASH YOUR GAME! This is normal so don't get scared.

If you did everything correctly.. when you rejoin your game you will have all 15 attributes with all names updated and fixed.


OK, now lets get those stats up!

Go to attributes 1 in the item with the 15 attributes you just did
Change these to stats to a high number like 100 or 200 or whatever u want.. anything over i think its 27 wont make a difference.. this just guarantees you hit the cap and wont hurt to have a higher number.. Don't set above 999
Crafted Stages Change Value to 100
Improve Stage Change Value to 100

Do this for attributes 2 - 15 as well.

Now lets force a save.. Head over to Zahidi and change out a mod to force the same on this item. Be sure to exit zahidi for the save to happen. You can now change your mod back to whatever you want it. Now all your attributes are maxed at there caps.

OK lets lock everything in and do 1 more relog.. Exit to lobby.. Then reenter your game.

------15 Attributes On Everything Else------

Now that we have 1 Piece of armor done it super fast to add attributes to all other items and even weapons!

Go back to the script. And go to the ORIGINAL item you already did with the 15 attributes.
Go to Attributes section.
The very first option inside there is ADDRESS.. Copy the value in ADDRESS! The Value is the long 16 digit number on the far right of address!
OK now go to another armor piece you DON'T have 15 attributes on
Go to Attributes
Now in ADDRESS we paste that Value we Copied earlier!
Now Change Number Of Attributes To 15
You MUST paste address before changing number of attributes or you will crash the game!

Do this step to all Armor and Weapon Pieces!
Now delete and item to force save your changes.

Return to lobby and you will get a crash. This is ok. When you log back into your game you will have 15 attributes with max shards on every piece of Armor/Weapon you did.

-------- 15 Attributes Player 2 --------

To Do Player 2 Simply copy the address of the value of one of the piece of armor from YOUR set in My Player And Paste it to the Address In Player 2 Value that you want to give them the 15 attributes on.. Change the number of attributes to 15. This is the exact same way u did above but we are coping from My Player Section to Player 2 Section.

Do this for all pieces you want dont.. Once done have Player 2 Delete an item to force the save!
When they leave this will crash your game. Player 2 will not crash when returning to lobby.. and they will have 15 attributes with max shards. But you will crash.. Reload your game and your done

Hope this helps everyone.. If your confused.. read it again.. If you still don't understand let me know and ill try and change the instructions to make it more detailed
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